MC vs. Chapin Football Game- Info and Tickets

Mid-Carolina Athletic Department is looking forward to hosting the Chapin High School Eagles on August 26th at Lon Armstrong Stadium at 7:30. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on the Mid-Carolina Athletics web site (see link below). Tickets can also be purchased at the gate. All Tickets will be $8 and Cash and Credit cards will be accepted. Due to the large crowd expected, we strongly encourage all fans to purchase their tickets ahead of time online. 

MC Varsity Football vs Chapin  Online Ticket Purchase Link - 

The School District of Newberry County has implemented a clear bag policy that will enforced at all athletic events.  Also, all students 8th grade or younger are required to attend games with a parent or guardian.  For more information on the new NCSD Event Safety guidelines please refer the link provided below.  

NCSD Event Safety Guidelines -