Laptop/Charger Turn-In

2022 Laptop/Charger/Bag Return Information

*Seniors will return their laptop/charger/bag to the library upon completion of their last class or last exam at MCHS.  The library will accept these items between 8:00-3:00 daily.

The last day to turn in these items for seniors will be Thursday, May 26.  After May 26, seniors will be invoiced for these items.

*9th-11th graders will turn in laptops/chargers/bags to their 4th block teachers after their final exam.  If they are exempting, they must still turn in their laptop/charger/bag to their 4th block teacher.  Anyone without a 4th block class may turn in their tech items to the library between the hours of 8:00-3:00.  ALL TECH MUST BE TURNED IN BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY ON JUNE 1 TO AVOID BEING INVOICED FOR THE COST OF THE LAPTOP/CHARGER/BAG.

If you have any questions, e-mail Ms. Felker at