MCHS Important Back to School Information

MCHS Parent/Guardian:  

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Mid-Carolina High School for the 2021-2022 school year. As we plan for an exciting and new beginning, our focus will be to ensure that students are engaged in educational experiences that ensure success and life-long learning. Our staff is committed to rigorous instructional and academic improvement.  

All MCHS students, including Newberry County Career Center, PTC students with morning classes, and Seniors with late arrival will report to their Homeroom (HR) Connections class in the morning on Monday, August 16. This will allow us to take accurate enrollment counts, distribute final updated student schedules, distribute student laptops, and disseminate important beginning of the year information.   

Homeroom rosters will be posted in multiple locations around our school and MC staff members will be present to direct students to their correct location on Monday, August 16. Doors will open for students to enter the building at 7:35 AM, and school will officially begin at 7:55 AM. The school day will officially end at 3:15 PM.    

Again, welcome back for the 2021-2022 school year. We look forward to working with each of you to ensure the academic success of our students, as well as the safety and well-beginning of our students, faculty/staff, families, and community. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the school at (803) 364-2134.  

Important Beginning of School Updates & Reminders:

  • DHEC recognizes mask use cannot be mandated per the SC General Assembly but is providing the following guidance for teachers, staff, and parents: DHEC strongly recommends mask use for all people when indoors in school settings, especially when physical distancing is not possible. This provides extra protection in decreasing transmission, especially with people who may not be aware they have the virus or who may not show current symptoms. If a student decides to wear a mask, please send them with a mask they prefer and feel comfortable wearing. If they forget to bring one to school, a disposable mask may be given to the student as supplies are available. If a student becomes ill or presents with symptoms, a mask will be given upon entrance to the health room.  Individuals riding the school bus, will be required to wear a mask while on the bus, as directed by the DHEC guidelines.
  • NCSD Vaccinated Student Protocol - In accordance with current CDC and SCDHEC guidelines and recommendations we are implementing the following protocol. If your child has been fully vaccinated (receiving both doses of Pfizer or Moderna OR one dose of Johnson & Johnson), and we have proof of vaccination on file, if he/she is identified as a close contact to a positive case of COVID and does NOT have any symptoms, quarantine will NOT be required. However, without this documentation, he/she would have to complete the quarantine if identified as a close contact. If you would like for the school nurse to have a copy of your child’s COVID vaccination record, please send a copy to your school nurse via email ( or fax (803) 364-4395. Your student is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after his/her last dose of vaccine. Our local CVS, Walgreens, and Lovelace Family Medicine offer the Pfizer vaccine, which is approved for those 12 years and older. You can receive the Moderna vaccine at Wal-Mart and the Johnson and Johnson vaccine at Doctor’s Care (both are approved for those 18 years and older). DHEC urges South Carolinians to visit the agency’s vaccine page, the CDC website, and other reliable sources to learn more about vaccinations.
  • We ask that you self-screen your child each day prior to coming to school. If your child has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive within the past 14 days or is experiencing COVID 19 symptoms (fever, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, muscle aches, chills, new or worsening cough, fatigue, headache, congestion/runny nose, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting), please do not send them to school, and notify the school nurse using the Mid-Carolina High School Covid-19 reporting link. If your child is having symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider.
  • Water fountains will be turned off. We have water refilling stations set-up around our building. We encourage you to send your child to school with a clear water bottle.