Job Shadowing Week is coming!

Job Shadowing Week is coming!!! 

During the week of March 18, 2024- March 22, 2024, 9th -12th grade students will have the opportunity to job shadow individuals within the community that have a career that they may be interested in pursuing in their future endeavors. The student or parent is responsible for obtaining the job shadowing site. However, for ideas about job shadowing experiences, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Moore ( for assistance.  

There is a permission form that must be filled out and signed by parent and job supervisor in order for students to job shadow. The deadline to return the permission form to Ms. McAllister is February 29, 2024. Students can pick up copies of the job shadowing packet on January 30th and January 31st during lunch activity. A table will be set up near the cafeteria.

If you have any questions regarding job shadowing, please contact your counselor or Ms. Gwen McAllister ( in the MCHS Counseling Department.

Job Shadowing Forms can be found in the links below:

Job Shadow Packet:

Attendance Form

Questions to Ask

Reflection Form

Thank You Note Guidelines